Working with CSV Files Part 2 – CsvHelper

Because I have previously written 2 articles with my own code for working with CSV files, I thought it was time I did a comparison between my own simple code and the most common Nuget package, CsvHelper.

The articles I have previously written are

What is CsvHelper

CsvHelper is a .NET library for reading and writing CSV files. Extremely fast, flexible, and easy to use.

It is an Open Source project with 87 contributors (at time of writing).

I chose CsvHelper simply because the Nuget package has been download some 113 million times, and I’ve seen it referenced in Stack Overflow comments.

CsvHelper as seen in Nuget Package Manager


I not doing anything fancy here just creating CSV files with differing amounts of rows a few hundred times, and outputting the average time in milliseconds.


Number of RowsFile Size1* Write1* Read2* Write2* Read
Results from comparison: * 1 = CsvHelper, 2 = my code


I believe the biggest difference between the two solutions is the method used to read the files. The method used by my code is a lot faster for smaller files, but as you can see above, does slow down after 340KB for writing, and only 55KB for reading.

I did try with different numbers of iterations, thinking that maybe CsvHelper was taking a little longer to release the file, but that was not the case. On average, there was little difference from 200 iterations to 1,000 iterations.


In terms of best practice I would recommend reusing an existing library over writing your own, therefore I recommend CsvHelper.

In terms of speed, I would argue that CsvHelper is still the best option as it would take a large number of smaller files for it to really make a difference, where as a single large file can have a significant impact.

The comparison was only like for like, CsvHelper has more features, a good one being that it removes double quotes from string fields wrapped in them.

So, unless you have a need to include the code in your solution (like for auditing purposes), I recommend CsvHelper over using my code, and your code also.

CsvHelper Icon

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